- @attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
- \attention A second version of this function template exists which explicitly
- \attention It will be invoked from the new process.
- \attention alnum is equivalent to /[[:alnum:]]/ in perl. ~alnum is equivalent
- \attention keep(expr) is equivalent to the perl (?>…) extension.
- \attention Skipping does not affect how nested regexes are handled because
- \attention The default implementation doesn't do proper Unicode
- \attention Not currently used
- \attention Since 1.4.0, Eigen matrices are forced to Row Major to increase the efficiency of the algorithms in PCL
- \attention The input normals given by setInputNormalsSmall and setInputNormalsLarge have
- @attention untested code
- \attention The focal length may change, depending whether the depth stream is registered/mapped to the RGB stream or not.
- \attention its not the system time, thus can not be used directly to synchronize different sensors.
- \attention The PCD data is \b always stored in ROW major format!
- \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
- \warning If the launching and the child process use the input, this leads to undefined behaviour.
- \warning This feature requires
to be included and a reference to boost::asio::io_service
to be passed to the launching function. - \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning This method will be removed in the future. Use setNegative() instead.
- \warning The vertices must be valid and unique (each vertex may be contained only once). Not complying with this requirement results in undefined behavior!
- \warning Please make sure to NOT add or remove elements from the cloud.
- \warning Does NOT check if the stored mesh pointer is valid. You have to ensure this yourself when constructing the circulator.
- \warning The vertices must be valid and unique (each vertex may be contained only once). Not complying with this requirement results in undefined behavior!
- \warning PCLPointCloud2 inserted into the tree must have x,y,z fields, and must be of same type of any other points inserted in the tree
- @warning Image type changes if a calibration pattern is discovered/lost;
- @warning This functionality is not supported with the legacy OpenGL backend.
@attention ... 使う上で考慮しておくべき項目など。たとえば、 @attention untested code などは使ってはいけないとも、使うと問題が起こるとも限らないが、考慮必須の項目である。
@warning ... やってはいけない使い方・問題が起こる条件など。たとえば、
\warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour. は無効な引数に対して動作保証がないことを示している。