@attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
\attention A second version of this function template exists which explicitly
\attention It will be invoked from the new process.
\attention alnum is equivalent to /[[:alnum:]]/ in perl. ~alnum is equivalent
\attention keep(expr) is equivalent to the perl (?>…) extension.
\attention Skipping does not affect how nested regexes are handled because
\attention The default implementation doesn't do proper Unicode
\attention Not currently used
\attention Since 1.4.0, Eigen matrices are forced to Row Major to increase the efficiency of the algorithms in PCL
\attention The input normals given by setInputNormalsSmall and setInputNormalsLarge have
@attention untested code
\attention The focal length may change, depending whether the depth stream is registered/mapped to the RGB stream or not.
\attention its not the system time, thus can not be used directly to synchronize different sensors.
\attention The PCD data is \b always stored in ROW major format!
\attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
\warning If the launching and the child process use the input, this leads to undefined behaviour.
\warning This feature requires boost/process/async.hpp to be included and a reference to boost::asio::io_service to be passed to the launching function.
\warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
\warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
\warning This method will be removed in the future. Use setNegative() instead.
\warning The vertices must be valid and unique (each vertex may be contained only once). Not complying with this requirement results in undefined behavior!
\warning Please make sure to NOT add or remove elements from the cloud.
\warning Does NOT check if the stored mesh pointer is valid. You have to ensure this yourself when constructing the circulator.
\warning The vertices must be valid and unique (each vertex may be contained only once). Not complying with this requirement results in undefined behavior!
\warning PCLPointCloud2 inserted into the tree must have x,y,z fields, and must be of same type of any other points inserted in the tree
@warning Image type changes if a calibration pattern is discovered/lost;
@warning This functionality is not supported with the legacy OpenGL backend.